Help Mumu Fight for His Life

$ USD raised of $2300 goal

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Archi Noah Allinger is organising this fundraiser.
Archi Noah Allinger is organising this fundraiser.

I’ve had Mumu since he was just a tiny kitten, and from the moment he came into my life, he’s been my closest companion. Mumu isn’t just a pet—he’s my family, my only family. His presence has brought comfort into my life, especially during tough times. I really can’t picture my life without him…
But now, at just 2 years old, Mumu is facing a serious health crisis, and it breaks my heart to see him suffer. He’s been diagnosed with feline infectious peritonitis, a deadly disease that’s quickly taking away his strength. Mumu stayed at the veterinary clinic for a week. The vet has informed me that Mumu needs to continue a course of medication for at least 60 days and requires regular check-ups to overcome this illness. The costs are substantial, but continuing treatment is crucial to save his life.
I’ve already spent a thousand dollars that I had saved up, but it’s not enough. With my business struggling, I’m feeling completely desperate. I’m at a loss for what to do next, and I’m reaching out to you for help because I don’t know where else to turn.
Mumu is currently at the vet, and the costs are more than I can handle alone. I’m trying to raise $2,300 to cover his medicines, further tests, and hospital care. Most of this will go toward the immediate medical needs that could save his life, and the rest will help with follow-up care to give Mumu the best shot at recovery.
If you can, please help Mumu fight this battle. Any support you can offer, no matter how small, would mean the world to both of us. I hope to share good news soon. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Help Mumu Fight for His Life

$ USD raised of $2300 goal

fundtails takes no fee!

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